9 April 2013

Social Media Overhaul!

Image credit - Weheartit

Social media platforms are a big way of getting your blog out there and meeting new bloggy friends and I have to admit, I'm absolutely rubbish at it! I hardly ever tweet and I only look at facebook to be nosey or if I've been tagged in a picture although I have found a new love for Instagram. After the whole GFC fiasco I thought that I better book my ideas up so here is a (somewhat boring) post on how and where you can find me and keep up with new posts!

As far as I'm aware Google Friend Connect and Google Reader are two completely separate things so those lovely little faces to the right aren't going anywhere and if you want to join them you can here!

I've set up a new Twitter account especially for all blog and beauty related chit chat. Most of my friends that follow me on my usual account have no idea what #bbloggers, #fbloggers or #lbloggers mean so I feel bad clogging up their feed with blog updates and at #bbloggers chat o'clock but now I can tweet to my little hearts content! I literally have zero followers so please help me stop looking like such a loser by following me here.

You can also find me on Bloglovin' here which I've found myself using a hell of a lot more now I've found there's an app for it!

Along with my lonely twitter I have set up a new Facebook page where you can like my little blog if you wish here :)

If you like pictures of make up and dogs then you can follow me on Instagram here and I can promise plenty of that!

And as well as all of that you can also find me over at She Said Beauty, Pinterest and of course you can do it the old fashioned way and email me at youlooknicetodayxo@gmail.com.

If you've read this far, I'm impressed!! All of my social media icons are over on the right somewhere and as you can see below I've added a new footer with a few of the links on there so I'm not going to let you forget them that easily! Thanks for sticking with me through this technologically filled post and thank you even more if you already follow me with any of them, I love you!! Do you find that being active on social media platforms helps your blog?

Follow me on Twitter | Bloglovin' | Like me on Facebook


  1. whattt! an app for bloglovin? how did i not know this?!


  2. This is a great post! The whole GFC fiasco is such a pain!



    1. Thank you :) Tell me about it! I think it's all calmed down a bit now though :) xx

  3. Great post. Im having the same issue loads of reads but no followers. Feel a right loser lol

    Now following you via bloglovin, would love if you could do the same please.
    Gemma xx

    1. We can be losers together haha! Of course I'll follow you :) xx
